Interface Summary | |
AttributeContainer | Defines a container of attributes. |
NavigationContext | Defines the navigation context. Concrete implementations of this interface allow to harvest information such as: keys of objects inserted/removed into/from the http session the webflow name and its default ownership, if any new is created the ownership of single objects, if any have been defined whether the current page has be to ignored from server side history whether the framework has to be resetted if a previous webflow has to be forced |
NavigationManager | The Navigation Manager interface. Concrete implementations of this interface contain the internal status of the framework such as: the stack of visited webflows the stack of visited pages for each webflow ownership defined for single objects a lock that allow to avoid multiple cuncurrent requests listeners for page changed and webflow changed |
ObjectSetOwner | Defines the owner of an object set. |
OwnershipConst | Defines the ownership constants. |
PageChangedListener | The listener for the page changed event |
WebflowChangedListener | The listener for the webflow changed event |
Class Summary | |
Config | The WebFlow Navigation Manager configuration. The unique JVM instance of this class configure the WFMN: enable/disable the framework enable/disable the automatic cleaning subsystem enable/disable session size statistics enable/disable the "no cache" option sets the webflows default ownership the url rewriter implementation used by the NoMultipleSubmitFilter filter set url calculator implementation used by the NotifyFactory set the concrete implementation of the navigation manager class set the concrete implementation of the navigation context class the page change listener the webflow change listener |
LogHelper | A log helper that display debug information about the internal status of the framework and that display which objects the framework automatically removes. |
NavigationContextFactory | A factory that manage navigation manager context instances. This class uses a ThreadLocal design pattern to collect navigation context instances each tied to a browser request. |
NavigationContextImpl | The navigation context default implementation. |
NavigationManagerFactory | The Navigation Manager factory manage instances of navigation manager. It allows to get/reset/verify the unique instance of a navigation manager. |
NavigationManagerImpl | The navigation manager default implementation. |
Page | Defines a page as an url and a object set owned. |
StatsFactory | The statistics factory. It allows to print out session size statistics. |
StringUtils | Utilities for Strings |
Webflow | Defines a webflow with a name and a default ownership. It contains a stack of visited pages and a set of owned objects. |
Exception Summary | |
ConfigException | The configuration exception. |
Core classes of the WebFlow Navigation Manager framework.