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1   /*
2    * WebFlow Navigation Manager: webflow definiton, server side navigation history and automatic session cleaning.
3    * Distributed under LGPL license at web site .
4    */
5   package net.sf.wfnm;
7   /***
8    * Defines the navigation context.<br> Concrete implementations of this interface allow to harvest information such as:
9    * 
10   * <ul>
11   * <li>
12   * keys of objects inserted/removed into/from the http session
13   * </li>
14   * <li>
15   * the webflow name and its default ownership, if any new is created
16   * </li>
17   * <li>
18   * the ownership of single objects, if any have been defined
19   * </li>
20   * <li>
21   * whether the current page has be to ignored from server side history
22   * </li>
23   * <li>
24   * whether the framework has to be resetted
25   * </li>
26   * <li>
27   * if a previous webflow has to be forced
28   * </li>
29   * </ul>
30   * 
31   *
32   * @author <a href="">Maurizio Albari</a>
33   * @version 1.0.6
34   */
35  public interface NavigationContext {
36      /***
37       * Sets an attribute.
38       *
39       * @param container the attribute container
40       * @param objectKey the object key
41       */
42      void setAttribute(AttributeContainer container, String objectKey);
44      /***
45       * Sets the webflow default ownership.
46       *
47       * @param defaultOwnership the webflow default ownership
48       */
49      void setDefaultOwnership(int defaultOwnership);
51      /***
52       * Returns true if the framework has to be resetted.
53       *
54       * @return true if the framework has to be resetted
55       */
56      boolean isFrameworkToReset();
58      /***
59       * Sets whether the page has to be ignored.
60       *
61       * @param ignorePage true if the page has to be ignored
62       */
63      void setIgnorePage(boolean ignorePage);
65      /***
66       * Indicates if the page has to be ignored.
67       *
68       * @return true if the page has to be ignored
69       */
70      boolean isIgnorePage();
72      /***
73       * Force the previous webflow.
74       *
75       * @param webflowName the previous webflow to force
76       */
77      void setPreviousWebflowToForce(String webflowName);
79      /***
80       * Sets the webflow name.
81       *
82       * @param webflowName the webflow name
83       */
84      void setWebflowName(String webflowName);
86      /***
87       * Adds a deferred ownership.
88       *
89       * @param objectKey the object key
90       * @param objectOwnership the object ownership
91       */
92      void addOwnership(String objectKey, int objectOwnership);
94      /***
95       * Notify that a page has been reached.
96       *
97       * @param container the attribute container
98       * @param url the url of the page
99       */
100     void notifyPage(AttributeContainer container, String url);
102     /***
103      * Removes an attribute.
104      *
105      * @param container the attribute container
106      * @param objectKey the object key to remove
107      */
108     void removeAttribute(AttributeContainer container, String objectKey);
110     /***
111      * Reset the Webflow Navigation Manager framework.
112      */
113     void resetFramework();
114 }